Aperçu des sections
Lesson 1: Description (Preparation)
- Overview
- Course overview; Introduction to information maps: symbols to show concepts, additional information, sequence, cause-and-effect, comparison, attributes, similarities and differences;
- Before class
- Usually you should do the Glossary activity and Phrases activity before the lesson begins, but because this is the first lesson, please do them after class. Your teacher will demonstrate how to do the activities.
- During class
- In this class you will check your understanding of the course goals and structure and enrol in the online course in the KUT LMS. You will also be introduced to information maps, and learn symbols that you will need to create your own information maps.
- After class
- (1) Access the "Glossary 用語集" link for this lesson and write any words or phrases that you don't know into your notebook; (2) Access the "Phrases 語句" link, for this lesson and complete all the tasks; (3) Access the "Watch, Learn, Speak" link for this lesson (see below) and complete all the goals; (4) Prepare the information map and English sentences that your teacher assigned as homework, and bring them to the next class.
Lesson 2: Description (Production)
- Overview
- Describe an original information map to classmates; Ask WH- questions about classmates’ information maps; Create a written description of an original information map.
- Before class
- Finish creating your own information map and write sentences about the ideas in the map that you created. Also, remember to buy a notebook and bring it to class. Finally, do the Glossary and Phrases activities for this lesson.
- During class
- In this class, you will first review the structure of YES-NO questions and WH- questions, and then you will ask and answer questions about personal topics. Later, you will practice explaining information maps to your classmates, and asking and answering questions about the maps.
- After class
- If necessary, finish the the "Glossary 用語集" and "Phrases 語句" activities for this lesson and then Access the "Watch, Learn, Speak" link below and complete all the goals;
Lesson 3: Sequence (Preparation)
- Overview
- Narration and Instructions: Time-order conjunctions (First, Then, Next, Finally), location phrases (on the left / right of, above/below, on top of / underneath); Instructions (present tense) and narration (past tense).
Lesson 4: Sequence (Production)
- Overview
- Give a poster presentation of a process or sequence of events;
Lesson 5: Cause and Effect (Preparation)
- Overview
- Vocabulary (because, so, due to, as a result, therefore), sentence patterns (”if” cause, “then” effect) + sample readings and videos.
Lesson 6: Cause and Effect (Production)
- Overview
- Group presentation of a complex cause-effect system such as a specific natural phenomena or social trend.
Lesson 7: Inference (Preparation)
- Overview
- Vocabulary (probably, likely, possibly, maybe, unlikely), sentence patterns (I think … because …) + sample readings and videos
Lesson 8: Inference (Production)
- Overview
- Group presentation of an unsolved mystery, either from real-life, from literature or from students’ imagination.
Lesson 9: Comparison (Preparation)
- Overview
- Vocabulary (comparative adjectives, kind of, made of/from, something to, whereas), sentence patterns (What’s the difference between ...., The _ on the left … but the _ on the right …) + sample readings and videos
Lesson 10: Comparison (Production)
- Overview
- Prepare a report comparing two things or ideas from each student’s area of study or interest.
Lesson 11: Graphs and Data (Preparation)
- Overview
- Vocabulary (line/pie graphs, large numbers, weigh, 40% of, two fifths of, increase/decrease), sentence patterns (_ increased/rose from __ to __, but decreased/fell from __ to __) + sample readings and videos; Carry out survey in class.
Lesson 12: Graphs and Data (Production)
- Overview
- Group Presentation of the survey results
Lesson 13: Pros and Cons (Preparation)
- Overview
- Vocabulary (for, in favor of, against, opposed to), sentence patterns (argument, counter-argument, compromise) + sample readings and videos.
Lesson 14: Pros and Cons (Production)
- Overview
- Perform a pro-con dialog or debate about a controversial issue from current news, technology, business or social media.
Lesson 15: Final Test (30%)
- Overview
- Quiz on the contents of all units
Lesson 16: Reflect and Review
- Overview
- Reflect on course content and performance and review all homework and assignments.